Delivery and installation for your custom backyard shed
Our preferred option is to deliver your shed directly to your lot via truck. Your structure will be built in the factory at the highest possible quality and prepared for delivery. We will ship the structure from our facility to your property. If you are within 50 kilometres from one of our sales lots, we will deliver the structure for free (conditions apply - see all of the details below).
We are happy to answer all of your pre-delivery questions! Contact our team to help you get started
Delivery Conditions + Requirements
For the safety of our delivery team, your property, and others in the immediate area of the delivery, we ask that the following delivery conditions are met during the scheduled delivery time. If any of these conditions are not met, Red Shed Co. and our delivery partners may need to cancel or suspend the delivery until the conditions are safe and deemed acceptable by all parties. Additional delivery charges, including wait time and rescheduling fees may be incurred by you if a delivery must be delayed. All sites are inspected by one of our team members just prior to delivery.
All deliveries are based on weather conditions. We take the health and safety of everyone involved as our top priority, and sometimes weather conditions prevent us from completing a scheduled delivery. This includes snow, heavy rainstorms, lightning, or strong winds. A delivery date may be booked and rescheduled in the days leading up to the scheduled time or at the time of delivery. We always do our best to accommodate you and have clear communication during deliveries. If a rebook is required you will be put back on the schedule for the earliest possible date.
You are responsible to provide a level area for your structure. This can include a cement slab or a gravel pad. It must be prepared and ready for your shed at the time of delivery.
Cement slabs should be a minimum of 4” thick unless otherwise specified by your local building authorities. Gravel pads must be a minimum of 6” thick uncless otherwise specified by your local building authorities. The pad must not stick up more than 2” above grade.
Our delivery team must be able to easily get the structure into your property without obstructions. This influences the method of delivery that we use to deliver and place your structure.
Your yard must be completely free of any animal waste at the time of delivery. For their safety, animals are not permitted in the yard during the delivery.
The opening into your yard must have at least 12” clearance to ensure we can get the structure in and complete any turns or adjustments as required.
We will not use a neighbouring property, including driveways, backyards, front lawns, and walkways, unless they are home at the time of delivery and give explicit consent, both verbal and written, to our delivery team.
Red Shed Co. is not responsible for any damage to lawns or gardens that may occur during the delivery. Due to the nature of the heavy equipment that is involved, some damage may be expected during delivery. You will be notified of any possible obstructions and damage that is identified during the pre-delivery site inspection.
All sheds are property of Red Shed Co. until full payment has been received from the customer during the delivery of your structure.
Permit Requirements
Different municipalities, regions, and cities have varying regulations regarding permits and applications for your new structure. We recommend contacting your local Buildings Departments to get the most up-to-date and accurate information for permits.
Please note that a shed is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 8 of the Act and is exempt from compliance with this Code, provided that the shed:
is not more than 15 m2 in gross area,
is not more than one storey in building height,
is not attached to a building or any other structure,
is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and
does not have plumbing.
Our team is prepared to answer your questions and guide you through the delivery and installation process. Let’s chat!